• Future rheumatology supply inadequate for demand

    Future rheumatology supply inadequate for demand

    Daniel F. Battafarano, DO, MACP, FACR, said that 50 percent of rheumatologists are Baby Boomers and likely to retire over the next 15 years.

  • Past presidents of ACR, ARHP share advice for navigating the Annual Meeting

    Past presidents of ACR, ARHP share advice for navigating the Annual Meeting

    To get the most out of the Annual Meeting experience, all attendees are invited to attend the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting Orientation session on Sunday. The session will be led by William St.Clair, MD, ACR Past President, and Kamala Nola, PharmD, MS, ARHP Past President.

  • Growing evidence shows that not all OA is the same

    Growing evidence shows that not all OA is the same

    “Osteoarthritis is by far the most common form of arthritis and has gotten much less attention than many of the other more obviously inflammatory forms,” said Frank Beier, PhD.

  • Evidence indicates stem cell therapy has  benefits for regeneration and tissue repair

    Evidence indicates stem cell therapy has benefits for regeneration and tissue repair

    Johnny Huard, PhD, will discuss the evidence supporting cell-based therapies for joint tissue repair, as well as current stem cell applications in the treatment of arthritis.

  • Pair of TechMed sessions explore self-help apps

    Pair of TechMed sessions explore self-help apps

    One of the presenters, Suleman Bhana, MD, will explore the variety of technology tools rheumatologists use to help them diagnose, manage and care for patients during the clinical symposium.

  • ACR Awards of Distinction

    ACR Awards of Distinction

    The highest award that the ACR can bestow, the Presidential Gold Medal is awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in rheumatology over an entire career.

  • 2016 ACR Masters

    This distinction is given to members age 65 or older who have made outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology through scholarly achievement and/or service to their patients, students, and profession.

  • Distinguished Fellow Award

    The Distinguished Fellow Award recognizes clinical and research fellows in a rheumatology fellowship training program who have performed meritoriously.

  • 2016 ARHP Merit & Appreciation Awards

    ARHP Addie Thomas Service Award The ARHP Addie Thomas Service Award is presented in honor of the association’s first president and recognizes individuals who have been an active volunteer involved […]

  • Text your way into the Foundation’s VIP Donors’ Lounge

    Want access to the Rheumatology Research Foundation’s exclusive Donors’ Lounge? A text message will grant you instant access.