Proposed classification criteria and management guidelines for large vessel vasculitis (LVV) include imaging, so rheumatologists need to have familiarity with different imaging modalities.
Large Vessel Vasculitis Imaging: Promises and Pitfalls features Anisha Dua, MD, MPH, director of the vasculitis center, Northwestern University, and Peter C. Grayson, MD, MSc, principal investigator, NIAMS Vasculitis Translational Research Program, discussing the use of imaging for diagnosing, monitoring, and in the management of LVV patients.
The session’s first showing will take place on Friday, Nov. 6, from 5 – 5:45 p.m. EST and features a live question-and-answer session. Registered attendees can watch a replay through Wednesday, March 11.
Drs. Dua and Grayson answered questions about what to expect during the session. Answers have been edited for length and clarity:
Overall, what will you cover during the session?
We will focus on the role of vascular imaging in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease activity in LVV. Imaging is being increasingly incorporated into research studies in LVV, and we will discuss what imaging technologies may look like in the near future. Many amazing visual images of vascular pathology will be presented in the context of real-life clinical conundrums in LVV.
Who do you think would get the most out of watching this session?
Our talks will be designed for clinicians who want to learn how best to incorporate vascular imaging into their clinical practice. Researchers with interest in how to study vascular inflammation as an outcome measure in LVV will also find valuable information.
What key concepts would you like viewers to understand by the end of the presentation?
- The role of vascular imaging to help a clinician diagnose large-vessel vasculitis is well supported by existing research.
- The role of vascular imaging to help a clinician monitor disease activity in large-vessel vasculitis is currently being defined.
- Each imaging modality has strengths and limitations and can complement other forms of assessment in unique ways.
What misconceptions about LVV imaging do you hope to clear up?
During the last decade, there has been an influx of research related to the role of LVV imaging in the management of patients. How and when imaging should be used is a matter of debate, but consensus is starting to emerge. Advancements in vascular imaging are increasingly helping physicians in their ability to provide better care for patients with LVV.